EDIT as at 2017: new content is no longer being posted to this Website. Please contact the respective manufacturer/company for up-to-date information about each product reviewed.
About PeasOnToast (…there’s no peas on toast here)
I’m a working wife and mum who enjoys finding the best value, quality products for my family’s benefit, and I’d love to save you time and share my recent findings.
Interesting, truthful reviews to help you easily decide if a product suits your family.
Product searches can take ages; switching between numerous websites and reading lots of reviews to find out if a product’s worth buying.
We’re all busy with work and household life, but I know you still want to find the best value, quality products for your family.
Let’s save time.
Quick, honest reviews and information.
All in one place.
Here you’ll find reviews about household/fintech products, chosen for their good value, quality and use.
They’re products tested by my family,
and reviewed for yours.
Each review includes easy-access links, so your family can purchase and make use of the products too.
They’re all great products (otherwise I wouldn’t recommend them to you), but that doesn’t mean they’re perfect – I’ll share my results, including any features that weren’t ideal.
These reviews are for you
– a mother’s opinion as well as the facts and stats
With three types of Product Reviews, I’ve covered all bases:
Shortlist Reviews
These are products that we’ve needed, found to match our search criteria, and successfully used. No need to scroll through lots of information – search criteria’s listed so you can quickly see whether our product choices would match yours.
I’ve also included a shortlist of similar products at the end of each review, for when your criteria differs from mine.
Products with a Purpose
These are products that I’ve recently come across, found to be useful, or have been recommended to me.
Products in the Pipeline
These are innovative, start-up products, still being developed or just launched, that deserve a shout-out.
… and there’s more
I’d always wanted to have my own website, but wasn’t sure where to start. I was a total beginner.
Does that sound like you – perhaps you’re keen to start blogging, write reviews, or become an entrepreneur with an online store, but you don’t have any experience?
That’s why I began the Website Journey blog. It diarises the steps I took to start, format and improve PeasOnToast, so that you can follow along and see how easy it is to learn what needs to be done.
It’s for those of you who don’t yet have the confidence or experience to set up a website, but are keen to find out more.
I’m the proof – creating your own website’s achievable, even without prior experience.
Follow my monthly Website Diary with helpful tutorials as I share my learning curve from a beginner’s perspective.
Let’s learn together
Don’t forget to subscribe to my newsletter to keep up to date with the new reviews and blog posts, and feel free to contact me if you have any questions, as I’d love to hear from you.
Enjoy PeasOnToast – it’s for you!